Why You Need a Website 🌐 🖥️

Website Marketing - Jessica Holmes Consulting

Here are the top reasons why a website is essential and central to an online presence

If you’re serious about a new business, creative project, or want to be very soon, a website is an essential starting point and a must-have investment. Your website will serve as the hub of your brand identity and the center of your online presence. While many brands and businesses these days seem to be a product of or get initial traction from social media — it’s not enough to be in those spaces for a company, brand or artist in today’s digital landscape.

Here are the 6 top reasons to have a website:

  • A website is easy to find: Not all your potential customers will be on social media platforms or marketplace apps to discover your product or service. Choose a relevant domain, use search-engine optimized keywords (SEO) and begin ranking on terms that your target audience is searching for online. Website platforms contain fields to enter this info so be sure to not overlook these areas.

  • You have complete control over the user’s experience: capture your audience’s attention without distractions, ads, or even tempting links from your competitors like on other platforms

  • You can sell via your website and control the payment processing. This is a huge one! As a business owner with financial responsibilities it’s important to not have your revenue at the whim of an algorithm. It’s also nice being able to shop around and compare various fees and service offerings to find the right balance of premium vs. DIY that works for you.

  • You control and own your audience’s data and their contact information Conversely, social media owns the database of your fans. There’s no way to transfer it to a different platform. They can also restrict how many fans see your updates or change the way you connect with them. Investing in a website and capturing the emails of interested visitors is a key part of a marketing communication strategy.

  • You can grow your audience 90% of users are online and 80% research before making a purchase decision so being online is essential. Having a dedicated place online that’s easy to use, memorable, and where you can connect (and stay connected!) with your online visitors is key.

  • It demonstrates professionalism and credibility: there are many well-designed, affordable drag and drop website builders making it easier and more affordable than ever to get started. What’s not as easy though is getting traffic to site, structuring the site intuitively for visitors and converting visitors into leads and eventually clients. That’s where I can help! I’ve helped clients get more traffic through organic SEO opportunities, grow their email list and redesign their websites to better showcase their craft, product, services with the world.

    If you’d like a new or redesigned website and want more support — I love creating websites for small business owners and creative entrepreneurs that are ready to invest in their online presence. Let’s work together to create a website that showcases your offerings! Request a consultation or learn more about working together.


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